Our Staff
Little Angels School employs a large, highly qualified, experienced and motivated staff who regularly update their skills and knowledge on the latest trends in Special Education. We adopt a holistic approach to the development of each child and to this end we liaise closely with the HSE in providing a wide range of therapies suited to the individual needs of our students. All children are given a full speech and language assessment, and a program is drawn up for them, with therapy on daily basis. The children also follow specialised occupational and physiotherapy programmes.
The staff include:
- an administrative principal
- an administrative deputy principal
- 20 full-time teachers including 3 assistant principals
- a part-time woodwork/horticulture teacher
- a full-time music teacher
- 2 school nurses
- a team of 44 full-time Special Needs Assistants
- a secretary and a team of bus escorts
- visiting teacher for the hearing and visually impaired
- caretaker