School News

A Tribute to Our Special Needs Assistants

05/05/2017 18:21
Ms. Duffy's preschool class presented assembly today. They sang some songs which they had been learning in class. We reflected on the children's achievements over their two years here in Little...

Little Angels Native Woodland Area

28/04/2017 14:21
Mrs O'Connor's class presented a lovely assembly today where she told us all about a new area in Ards Forest Park which is dedicated to Little Angels Special School. Mrs O'Connor organised...

Goodbye and Thank You, Caroline

07/04/2017 12:00
We had a very sad day in Little Angels today as we said goodbye to one of our longest serving members of staff, Caroline.  Caroline has worked in our school for such a long time and we would...

Ms. Mc Carron's Assembly: Dressing Up and The Baby Bunny

07/04/2017 11:51
Ms. Mc Carron's class presented a lovely assembly today on the theme of dressing up. All the children got to choose a dressing up outfit. And we all sang the dressing up song. Then Ms Mc Carron...

Ms. Cassidy Easter 1916 Video

07/04/2017 11:48
Here is the link to Ms Cassidy's lovely play fromLast week's assembly. Apologies for the delay. Enjoy! Easter 1916  
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